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Otto - 4K TV with 43 inches now for only 241,59 € on offer [advert]

The ratio reserves on production (RRP or R / P) is the remaining amount of a non-renewable resource, expressed in unit of time. Although applicable to all natural resources, the RRP is most often applied to fossil fuels, particularly oil and natural gas. The reserves (numerator of the report) is the amount of a resource known to exist in an area and which is economically recoverable (proven reserves). The production (denominator) is the amount of resource extracted per unit of time (usually in one year) at the current rate. RRR = quantity of known resources / quantity produced per year This report is used by companies and government agencies to provide for the future availability of a resource and determine the duration of the project, future income, employment, etc., and to determine whether more in-depth exploration should be undertaken. to ensure a continuous supply of the resource. The annual production of a resource can usually be calculated fairly precisely. However, reserves can only be estimated at varying degrees of precision, which depend on the availability of the information and methods used to evaluate them. A simplistic interpretation of this report led to many false imminent end predictions since the first years of the oil industry in the 1800s. This was particularly true in the United States, where the proven production reserves ratio was between 8 years and 17 years since 1920. Many misrepresented the result as the remaining number of years before oil is exhausted. These analyzes did not take into account future growth in reserve estimates.

At OTTO you can get the 4K TV Telefunken U551N1CW in size 43 inches for only 241.59 euros (RRP: 419 euros). Otto is thus a distance of the cheapest providers, according to comparison platforms. On place 2 ended according to Idealo a smaller dealer on the Amazon Marketplace with a price of 328.21 euros. Generally, 241.59 euros are an unusually favorable price for a 4K TV.

Telefunken U551N1CW (4K TV, 43 inches) instead of € 328.21 for € 241.59

Otto has no information on how long the offer still applies. If you have not ordered anything at Otto for at least two years, you can not only save the shipping costs, but also get 15 euros additional discount, so the price drops to 226.59 euros. You can learn more here:

15 € discount and delivery flat for newness: inside at OTTO

What does the Telefunken U551N1CW offers?

Picture: There are hardly any reviews for Telefunken U551N1CW and we could not try the 4K TV so far. So we can not tell you much more than the data originating from the manufacturer. These data indicate a typical low-budget TV that differs from more expensive models, inter alia, by its low peak brightness. After all, HDR formats such as HDR10 and Dolby Vision are supported.

Gaming & Apps: We can not say much about the suitability as a gaming TV, except that Telefunken devices in the past were not necessarily famous for low input. However, a lot has happened in the low-budget area in this regard in recent years. A gaming mode to reduce the input delay to a bearable level is available at any rate. The app support seems to be a bit limited, the big streaming services Amazon Prime video, Netflix and YouTube are there.

Telefunken U551N1CW (4K TV, 43 inches) instead of € 328.21 for € 241.59

The offers listed here are provided with so-called affiliate links. With a purchase via one of these links your OTTO supports: without the effect on the price we get a small commission from the provider.


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