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BVB | 400 million! Irre Haaland

The euro (EUR) is the unique money of the Economic and Monetary Union, trained in the European Union; It prevails to nineteen European Union Member States that develop the euro location. 4 micro-states (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican) and also two British bases located in Cyprus (Akrotiri as well as Delia) are additionally permitted to use the euro and also two non-member European countries, Montenegro and Kosovo L make use of de facto. Other nations have their national money associated to the euro as a result of a previous mooring in the French franc or at the Portuguese Escudo: Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Côte d Ivoire, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis-et-Futuna, Central African Republic, São Tomé and also Principe, Senegal, Chad, Togo. Being used in its scriptural form on 1 January 1999, it is taken into circulation on 1 January 2002 at twelve o clock at night in its fiduciary type. He is a successful ECU, the European Account Unit appointed in 1979. The euro is the 2nd currency in the globe for the quantity of the purchases, behind the US buck as well as in front of the Chinese yuan. Since October 2006, it is the first currency in the globe for the amount of tickets superior.

????Erling Haaland - the song!???? (Dortmund vs PSG Parody Champions League Highlights Håland Wonder Goal) Since January 1, 2021, there were 26,468,962,663 outstanding tickets on the planet,

For an overall worth of EUR 1,434,506,526,830, in addition to 138 068 816 079 coins for a total value of EUR 30,407,933,257, the entire representing the amount of EUR 1,464,914,460,087 EUR.

That Erlang Haaland by Borussia Dortmund is on the shopping list for almost every European top club, hardly anyone will doubt. In the poker around the 21-year-old scorer, however, the masters should encounter interested parties to their financial limits. This allows a bill of Spanish media.

Should Haaland adopt as expected in the summer of 2022 from the BVB, his future employer would have to invest allegedly almost 400 million euros in a contract for five years. This comes from a list of the AS.

The invoice, which sets up Spanish Haaland Dortmunding direction, is as follows: As a transfer, around 100 million euros would have to flow to the Dortmund, per year around 25 million euros would have to be paid to salary and consultant Minor Rail would also be 14 million euros, Haaland s father ALF Inge Haaland again score seven million euros. This reports as with reference to information from Haaland environment.

If one expects the numbers, they have not achieved said 400 million euros for a long time, the salary refers to the net payment, gross will therefore be due for the clubs around 50 million euros.

Money alone will not convince the BVB superstar

Also interesting: While it is usually assumed that Haaland Dortmund may leave for 75 million euros due to an agreement, the As sets the sum significantly higher.

According to the report, money alone, however, is not enough to convince the Norwegian from a commitment. To draw the superstar on land, the prospect of title must be guaranteed. Haaland will only connect to one club, which brings him to his great goal of becoming a world footballer, so as.

As incomprehensibly, the numbers also read the willingness to take the money in hand, some clubs are likely to shoeless.

70 Goals and 19 Templates in 69 Professionals for Borussia Dortmund are simply an unbeatable argument. Especially since Haaland previously delivered outstanding services before the Mode OK (50 games / 20 goals / 6 templates) and at RB Salzburg (27/29/7).


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