The Frankfurt Galaxy is the first title winner in the European League of Football (Eleven). In the gripping finale of the premiere season, the team of Chef Trainer Thomas Kösling in Düsseldorf sat down at 32:30 against Hamburg Sea Devils. Frankfurts Quarterback Jakeb Sullivan made 23 seconds before the end of the game with a touchdown for the final score. About two minutes before, Sea-Devils-Kicker Phillip Friii s Andersen had set a Field Goal attempt next to his team at 30:26. In the final seconds, the Dane failed with a shot of 63 yards and awarded the victory chance. Frankfurt ended the season with just one defeat. Only in the first major game game, the Galaxy had drawn the shorter - against Hamburg. At the first season of the eleven eight teams participated. Six Germans (Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, Berlin, Stuttgart, Cologne) as well as a franchise from Poland and Spain. In 2022, at least twelve teams are to compete. Rhein Fire new in the eleven Eleven is already fixed. On S...